sLamps from recycled parts, ideal example of a green theme.

Personally, i think this lamps look very cool, both items are made from various pieces of old electrical hardware.

I love how the design is rather simple, but complicated by the parts used.

Made by the Flickr user Qvidja50.
He says
The lamp on the left is fabricated from a railroad signal switching relay manufactured by the General Railway Signal Company in 1924. The perforated cylinders were originally ink canisters designed for high-speed fabric printing.

The light on the right is made from a water-cooled dual processor from an Apple G5 desktop computer. Other elements include an hour meter, aircraft compass and 40W LED bulbs.

Check out the full Flickr set.

Personally, i like the 'hanging bulb' one. Firstly as i love the way the bulbs hang down, that and the use of a Powermac G5 heatsink is a win for an apple user fanboy like myself.

For anyone looking to enter the Epilog laser cutter contest. Whom may have some parts laying around, this is a good place to start your research.

I have an old iMac stand that caitlinsdad said would make a good lamp.

- gmjhowe

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